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  3. uMarketingSuite has reached the 25k downloads milestone

uMarketingSuite has reached the 25k downloads milestone!


In November 2021 we were celebrating our first big milestone. We have reached 10.000 downloads of uMarketingSuite.

In the meantime we have improved uMarketingSuite and our team has grown, and with success. Today we are celebrating the milestone of 25.000 downloads on NuGet! In less than 10 months our downloads have more than doubled and we are very proud of that.

The growth shows uMarketingSuite is getting more and more popular by editors, developers and marketers within the Umbraco community. With uMarketingSuite we would like to offer all Umbraco enthusiasts a full marketing suite so personalization, A/B testing, Analytics and profiling comes within reach.

Would you like to start using uMarketingSuite? Install it on your own favorite Umbraco website, book a demo or register a license for uMarketingSuite directly!


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