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Product Update: January 2024 - uMarketingSuite 2.0 is out!


Date: January 2024

We are happy to announce the release of uMarketingSuite 2.0, featuring support for Umbraco 13, enhanced performance, updated configuration, and numerous additional improvements. While uMarketingSuite 1 continues to be supported, it will receive only security updates and no new features.

For those eager to explore the features of uMarketingSuite 2.0, the latest package can be easily installed via NuGet.

uMarketingSuite 2.0 highlights

To provide some context on the existing versions of uMarketingSuite, the latest version of uMarketingSuite 1 (currently at version 1.26.2 as of January 17, 2024) supports Umbraco versions 8 through 12, with official support for Umbraco 8 and 10 LTS. uMarketingSuite 1.26.x marks the final release in the uMarketingSuite 1 series.

As of January 16, uMarketingSuite 2 is available, introducing support for Umbraco 13 and discontinuing support for Umbraco 8. Notably, uMarketingSuite 2 is compatible with Umbraco 10 and 13, with Umbraco 11 and 12 not being officially supported.

For those operating Umbraco 10 sites with uMarketingSuite 1.x.x and seeking to upgrade to uMarketingSuite 2, this upgrade is entirely feasible. It is important to take note of the new configuration file, migrate configuration customizations to the new file, and, as a precautionary measure, create a backup before initiating the upgrade.

Umbraco 13 support

The release of uMarketingSuite 2 is fully compatible with Umbraco 13, unlocking the advantages offered by the latest platform.

ASP.NET Core Configuration
uMarketingSuite 2.0 is fully optimized for ASP.NET Core, bidding farewell to the traditional umarketingsuite.config file in favor of Umbraco's new configuration standards, such as the appsettings.json file. To simplify configuration, uMarketingSuite 2.0 includes a corresponding appsettings schema, offering Intellisense in all modern IDEs. This schema encompasses various configuration options, including uMarketingSuite Settings, Analytics, A/B Testing, Profiles, Reporting, and the Delivery API.

Read more here.

New personalization segment parameter "Registered member"

With the new segment parameter it it possible to personlize based on if the visitor is a member or not. If the visitor has logged in once then from that point on we can determine if the visitor is a registered member or not and you can use this to personalize the site to the visitor.

Bugfixes / improvements

  • Content Injection Filter performance issues with large HTML output | [1.26.2 + 2.0]
    Changed the way the uMarketingSuite scripts are injected into the HTML output. Performance increase for large HTML pages.
  • A/B testing overview time-out | [1.26.2 + 2.0]
    Fixed the issue related to not loading the A/B test overview.
  • Headless Support for Content Delivery API V2 | [2.0]
    Improved support for the Content Delivery API V2
  • HTTP 301, 302, 30X no longer counted within Analytics | [2.0]
    Improved detection of http status codes to prevent pageview pollution in Analytics
  • Form fields names translated by browser | [1.26.2 + 2.0]
    Form fields names will not be stored if translated by browser
  • Change way of showing number of pageviews, visitors etc. | [2.0]
    Optimized of showing pageviews, visitors etc. in Analytics when using pagination

If you find any bugs? Please report them to us on Github: https://github.com/uMarketingSolutions/uMarketingSuite

Upgrade to uMarketingSuite 2.0 today and experience a blend of enhanced features and improved performance!

Do you want to know more?

Book your uMarketingSuite demo here! or contact us

Obtaining a license

Check out our pricing page on uMarketingSuite.com for a complete overview of the available bundles and pricing. Interested in becoming a uMarketingSuite partner with a lot of partner benefits? Go to our partner page.

What is next?

  • Umbraco Commerce support
  • New A/B testing option (split URL)
  • Personalization improvements

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