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Product Update: March 2024 - Split URL A/B testing


Date: March 2024

We are happy to announce the release of uMarketingSuite 2.1.0 with the new feature Split URL A/B testing.

Split URL A/B testing

Split URL A/B testing is the new option in the uMarketingSuite A/B testing feature where variations of a webpage are tested by directing users to different URLs. In a single page A/B test users are randomly divided into groups and shown different versions of a single webpage. However, in the new split URL A/B testing option, each variation of the webpage has its own unique URL, and users are directed to these different URLs to see the variations.

Here is how it works:

  • Page creation
    Two or more different pages are created with possible changes in design, layout, content, or any other element that is being tested depending on the actual Umbraco setup.

  • URL assignment
    Each page is assigned a unique URL by Umbraco. For example, the original intended version might have the URL "www.yoursite.com/pricing", while the variations might have URLs like "www.yoursite.com/bundles", "www.yoursite.com/offers", and so on.

  • User redirection
    When users visit the page, they are randomly redirected to one of the variations based on criteria of the A/B test like audience size, MDE etc. This ensures that each user sees only one version of the page during their current and future visit.

  • Insights
    Visits and conversions are tracked and compared across the different variations. This data is then analyzed to determine which variation performs better in achieving the desired goals, such as higher conversion rates or better user engagement.

The new split URL A/B testing option allows for more complex experiments where you can test the actual flow and not only a variation of a page.

Bugfixes / improvements

  • Client-Side YouTube Video tracking not working
    Resolved an issue with tracking YouTube videos due to YouTube's API requiring the "?enablejsapi=1" property in order to track events. This query parameter is now automatically added (if missing) to iframe sources detected as YouTube URLs.
  • Allowing www.* for all domains
    Resolved an issue where domains licensed without www.* in the production url weren't recognized as valid licensed urls.
  • Previewing of A/B testing & personalization Variants, regardless of ModulePermissions
    Resolved an issue where disallowed ModulePermissions would interfere with displaying the correct content when previewing variants in the back-office. Now always shows the correct preview for the marketer / editor.
  • Previewing of A/B testing & personalization Variants, regardless of Control Group
    Resolved an issue where Control Groups would interfere with displaying the correct content when previewing variants in the back-office. Now always shows the correct preview for the marketer / editor.

If you find any bugs? Please report them to us on Github: https://github.com/uMarketingSolutions/uMarketingSuite

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Book your uMarketingSuite demo here! or contact us

Obtaining a license

Check out our pricing page on uMarketingSuite.com for a complete overview of the available bundles and pricing. Interested in becoming a uMarketingSuite partner with a lot of partner benefits? Go to our partner page.

What is next?

  • Improved data clean-up and anonymization mechanism
  • Profile retrieval peformance improvements
  • Exploring Umbraco Deploy support

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